James Gunn’s Ad Astra is an online resource for authors, scholars, and anyone interested in speculative fiction to share their ideas on how the genre has developed into its current forms, what’s happening in speculative fiction right now, and what might happen next.

It can sometimes be difficult to locate serious, academically sound studies or educational applications of science fiction or fantasy. The Center for the Study of Science Fiction is known for its excellent resources, links, reading lists, workshops and online courses, but not everyone has the ability to attend the Intensive English Institute on the Teaching of Science Fiction, the SF Writers Workshops, our other courses at the University of Kansas campus or online, or the Campbell Conference and join the discussion. Ad Astra will expand the CSSF resources to reach a wider audience, which in turn will improve the breadth of the conversation and inspire new creators and explorations of the genre.

Ad Astra offers venues for creative short fiction and poetry. We will feature reviews of existing works and scholarly articles about the critical and philosophical considerations of speculative literature, as well as the scientific issues raised in these works. We will provide ways for people to join in critiques of fiction, contribute to the academic understanding of the genre, and share these ideas with people outside of the fan community.

Each year, Ad Astra will focus on a different theme related to the Campbell Conference. This year, our theme is information and communication, how we come to understand the world and share our knowledge.