Image by Bradley Allweil
by Mara G. Shearer
We came from a world far away
Sailed through the dark to your Sun
Little did we know how long we would stay
We found your planet with elation, no dismay
A new race to meet, our mission is done
We came from a world far away
But truth was, come break of day,
That our nightmare had only just begun
Little did we know how long we would stay
We still thought we could get you to play
But you attacked us, our ships overrun
We came from a world far away
We offered you our all, did things your way
Surrendered ourselves, but you would have none
Little did we know how long we would stay
Now all we can do is hope and pray
Realising at last, we should never have come
We came from a world far away
Little did we know how long we would stay
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