The second issue of James Gunn’s Ad Astra offers two sets of scholars. The first two articles examine the philosophical underpinnings of Star Trek and the process and struggles of bringing science fiction criticism into the academic environment.

Next is offered a series of conference papers presented at the 2013 Eaton Science Fiction Conference in a panel honoring the work and achievements of Professor James Gunn, inspiration and the founder of the Center for the Study of Science Fiction. These are the papers as they were presented at the conference, by students, colleagues, and friends of Prof. Gunn.

Both sets of papers show the diversity of speculative fiction scholarship, and how important it is to continue to examine science fiction, fantasy, and related genres.

We invite you to read and enjoy, and then comment and share the post/story on your favorite social media venue.


Conference Papers

Each author’s work represents a part of themselves and Ad Astra will err on the side of a positive, supportive editorial stance regarding comments. While constructive criticism is always welcome, aimless negativity, personal attacks, and inflammatory statements will not be approved. Please see our commenting guidelines for a detailed policy. We apologize in advance for any comments that are rejected based on our admittedly subjective definition of “negativity”.