Issue #7

Home/Issue #7

Report: Worldcon Membership Demographics, 1981-2000

This report is a continuation of the work done in Worldcon Membership Demographics, 1939-1960 (Walling, 2016) and in Worldcon Membership Demographics, 1961-1980 (Walling, 2018) and aims to see if any of the trends previously observed continue in subsequent Worldcons and provide some hard data on the membership of the Worldcons of that period.

2019-12-29T15:22:32-05:00December 21st, 2019|Articles, Issue #7, Non-Fiction|


Allport, F. W., Edwards, C. K., & Ghallegar, S. M. (2003). Origins and evolution of avian humanoid worship: A meta-analysis. Journal of Cultural Psychology, 51, 439-468.

2019-12-29T23:20:29-05:00December 21st, 2019|Fiction, Issue #7, Stories|

How Did They Get You?

I try to turn my head -- the only part of my body that is merely restrained rather than actually strapped down tight -- to look my neighbor in the eye, but the juddering of the transporter in the outer atmosphere stops me. "How did they get you?" he repeats, shouting over the hollow thud of the craft surfing the mesosphere.

2019-12-29T23:22:25-05:00December 21st, 2019|Fiction, Issue #7, Stories|

Opiates of the People

Miquel stood on the steps of Saint Sebastian’s pushing vials of ‘god’. He held a baggie up in front of his two customers, Bible Boys from one of the havens on the surrounding hills. They had pulled up in a red sports sedan that probably belonged to one of their daddies.

2019-12-29T23:24:43-05:00December 21st, 2019|Fiction, Issue #7, Stories|
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