

Distilling wonder into a few choice words.


Steam by Joseph Carrabis Arrival The shrieking of my wheels on the tracks as I pull into the station, so like your screams when you realized what they'd done. The hiss of my brakes, my body slowing as my heart began racing. But could not; eyes on meters, release valves turn lest all [...]

2023-03-27T20:34:43-05:00March 22nd, 2023|Fiction, Issue #12, Poetry|


Maleficium by Mara G. Shearer The owl screeches From the beeches The flying bats And prowling cats The ring intact A proven fact The witches prance Their coven dance Night approaches Dark encroaches Virgin ready Knife held steady Plunges down In blood to drown Image by Kayla Maurais [...]

2022-04-10T19:27:29-05:00March 26th, 2022|Ed Asteroid Issue Zero, Fiction, Poetry|
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