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So far admin has created 168 blog entries.

The Chiseler’s Wife

By Hunter Liguore On an unnamed island in the Gulf of Riga, fifty miles north of the Latvia coast, there lived a chiseler and his wife. They owned a house that sat at the top of a sloping hill in the middle of a cemetery, where the chiseler was given charge of cutting stone and [...]

2019-10-24T15:45:25-05:00February 21st, 2014|Fiction, Issue #3, Stories|

Winds that Stir Vermillion Sands

By David Bowles 2370 Seven-year-old Rodrigo ben-David sat alone in the hovel, spooning the last bit of last Shabbat’s chamin into his mouth and using a hard bit of crust to scrape the pot clean. The thin, cold wind rattled the aluplaz walls mercilessly. Winters in the Hellas Region were tough, and in Babulandia, one [...]

2019-10-24T15:45:25-05:00February 21st, 2014|Fiction, Issue #3, Stories|

Voices Seldom Heard

by Issue Editor Isaac Bell If you're reading this, then you're a member of a minority. You're a fan of science fiction, or fantasy, or speculative fiction in general (and just knowing the latter term marks you as a member of an even smaller group). Despite the wide popularity of shows and movies we might claim [...]

2019-10-24T15:45:26-05:00June 11th, 2013|Featured, Issue #2, Meta-Narrative, Per Aspera|

The Leaky Pipeline: Where are the Women in Science Fiction?

By Scholarly Editor Kathy Kitts Yearly from 2010, VIDA, a women in literary arts organization, has conducted a study on how women fare versus men in publishing. They totaled the number of female and male literary reviewers, reviews and bylines in approximately fifteen of the major literary venues from the Boston Review to The Times Literary Supplement. What they discovered is that men publish more than women nearly two to one.

2019-10-24T15:45:26-05:00June 11th, 2013|Featured, Issue #2, Meta-Narrative, Per Aspera|

Inertia and the Paper Ceiling

By Fiction Editor Douglas McKinney Authors generally don’t need to be told how hard it is to get published. They have the rejection letters to prove it, after all. Even bestselling authors needed that first big break to get noticed. The second issue of James Gunn’s Ad Astra showcases fiction from three women this time [...]

2019-10-24T15:45:26-05:00June 11th, 2013|Featured, Issue #2, Meta-Narrative, Per Aspera|

James Gunn and the Foundations of Academic Science Fiction Criticism References

Gunn, J. (1975a). Alternate Worlds. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. ---. (1977b). Kampus. New York: Bantam. ---. (March, 1953). “The Philosophy of Science Fiction, Part One” Dynamic Science Fiction. 104-113. ---. (June, 1953). “The Philosophy of Science Fiction, Part Two.” Dynamic Science Fiction. 83-91. ---. (October, 1953). “The Plot-Forms of Science Fiction.” Dynamic Science Fiction. 44-53. ---. [...]

2016-08-14T22:45:59-05:00June 11th, 2013|Article References, Issue #2|
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